Monday, December 05, 2005

We have established a Chamber of Technology

We have established a Chamber of Technology for companies engaged in the knowledge based industries – biotechnology, electronics, information technology, communications technologies, robotics, cognitive technologies, environmental and green technologies, nanotechnologies, e-learning and new or digital media.

The Chamber seeks to represent the interests of all companies in this sector, from the newest formed to the well established, whether they are in the major urban centres or rural communities, from the smallest to the largest, from all areas within Alberta.

The Chamber will:

  • Seek recognition for the industry as the cornerstone of the Alberta economy it is and can be, both now and the future
  • Seek to create communities of interest within the industry so that member companies can connect, share and engage with each other in activities and other Albertans and Canadians, of mutual interest
  • Be an advocate for the industry to Albertans, financial institutions, governments, other industry associations and those that can have an impact on the performance of the industry
  • Connect Alberta to the Alberta technology industry with developments in other parts of the world, and right here at home so as to help the industry be competitive .
  • To build a truly world class diversified technology sector in Alberta that allows Albertans to stay in Alberta and be the best they can be in the world, and to draw the best in the world to Alberta.

The Chamber will be created as a not for profit corporation to help carry Alberta into the 21st Century and beyond, preparing it to harness the true strength of the knowledge, talents, and abilities of the innovation and creativeness of Albertans.


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